Document Type


Date of Award



Nuclear charge

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Sol Raboy

Second Advisor

Adolfas Gaigalas

Third Advisor

Robert H. Penfield


The distribution of electrical charge in the nucleus of Tm169 was determined by measurement of the energies of the X rays of muonic atoms of Tm169.

The values of the energies of the K X rays and the L X rays were calculated from a model assuming an anisotropic Fermi distribution of charge, and compared to the treasured values. The assumed distribution is a function of three parameters; a half radius, a surface thickness, and a measure of the anisotropy.

The values of the parameters were varied to find the values that gave the best agreement with the measured spectrum. The rotational model of the nucleus was assumed in the calculations. It was found to be necessary to refine the calculation by including the effects of states beyond the one in which the muon was orbiting.

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Physics Commons
