Document Type


Date of Award



India, Economic conditions, Mathematical models, 20th century

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

A. Thomas Eapen

Second Advisor

John E. La Tourette

Third Advisor

Robert M. Lovejoy


The study of potential output and the sources of economic growth has become in the last fifteen years an important part of economic literature. Most of the studies on potential output and the sources of economic growth have been carried out mainly for the United States, some Western European countries and Canada. There is a small number of such studies on the less developed economies. In fact, there are no studies on potential output and sources of economic growth in the Indian economy. The present study is an attempt to fill in this gap.

This chapter attempts to present an explanation of the theoretical outline of the study and empirical discussions of some applied methods employed to estimate potential output for India and to identify the sources of economic growth in India during the period 1950-1965. In the light of data constraints, the period chosen is restricted to the first three Five Year Plans, 1951-56, 1956-61 and 1961-66.
