Document Type


Date of Award



Children in literature, Short stories, German, History and criticism, German fiction, 19th century

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Comparative Literature

First Advisor

Michael Bohler

Second Advisor

Larry D. Wells

Third Advisor

Gerard F. Schmidt




The primary focus in this study will at all times be on the significance of the child for an understanding of a particular Novelle. However, this study will also attempt to draw certain parallels between the authors of this time span and to show what themes—in relation to the child—predominate in the Novelle.

The child in a Novelle can function in many ways: 1) the child can be merely a biological product of a certain sex and age having certain physical characteristics; 2) he can be exposed to physical dangers such as cold, hunger, and beatings; 3) he can be influenced mentally and emotionally not to mature through the lack of a parent or lack of love or through overzealous parents; 4) he can be used to represent certain of the author's concepts about human passion, innate development, love, family, society, etc.

The first manner in which a child can function in a Novelle is best suited to a biological approach; the second lends itself to a sociological one; the third requires a psychological approach; the fourth can be approached through several different methodologies, such as the last two mentioned, as well as through the symbolic and philosophical approach.
