[Please note, this electronic archive only holds a limited portion of the newsletter content]

   We invite you to attend the 1985 Spring meetings (February):

Meeting with the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco: Thursday, March 21, 1985, at 6 p.m. in the Emerald room. 1985.1 (February)

Chair: TBA

  • Edward Warren, San Diego State University, “Plato’s Refutation of Thrasymachus: The Crafts Argument”
  • Charles Young, Claremont Graduate School, “Aristotle on Temperance.”

With the Western Division of the American Philosophical Association at Palmer House in Chicago: April 25, 1985, at 7:15 pm (check APA program for location). 1985.1 (February)

Chair: Anthony Preus

  • Mark McPherran, University of Texas Arlington, “Plato’s Reply to the ‘Worst Difficulty’ Argument of the Permenides: Sophist 248-249d”
  • Michael Morgan, Indiana University at Bloomington, “How Does Plato Solve the Paradox of Inquiry in the Meno?”

With the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, meeting at the Washington Hilton, December 28, 7:45 p.m. in Monroe East: Classical Method and Ethics, 1985.2 (September)

Chair: Nicholas P. White.

  • Joan Kung, "How Learning Mathematics Helps Us Be Virtuous (Plato, Timaeus)”
  • Lawrence Jost, "EudemianEthical Method"

With the American Philological Association, meeting at the Sheraton Washington, December 29, 1:30 p.m. in the Rockville room: Aristotle's Metaphysics, 1985.2 (September)

Chair: Anthony Preus.

  • Edward Halper, "The Origin of Aristotle’s Metaphysical Aporiae"
  • Alban Urbanas, "On ‘essentially’ (οπερ)in Aristotle"

The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy invites you to attend our meeting in cooperation with the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, at the Los Angeles Hilton, Friday, March 28, 1986, at 5:30 p.m. in the Hillhurst Room: Ancient Political Theory. 1985/6.3 (February)

Chair: John P. Anton, U. of S. Florida, Tampa

  • Thomas C. Brickhouse, Lynchburg Coll., and Nicholas D. Smith, VPI: "Socrates’ Evil Associates and the      Motivation for His Trial and Condemnation"
  • Fred D. Miller, Jr., Bowling Green State U.: "Aristotle on Property Rights"

Meeting in cooperation with the Central Division meeting, on Thursday, May 1, 5:30 p.m., at the Clarion Hotel in St. Louis:  Division and Natural Kinds1985/6.3 (February)

Chair: Nicholas P. White (President, SAGP; U. of Michigan)

  • Charles Griswold (Howard Univ.): "The Method of Division in Plato’s Phaedrus.”
  • David Charles (Oriel College, Oxford): "Aristotle on Meaning and Natural Kinds."


Submissions from 1986


SAGP Newsletter 1985/6.3 (February), Anthony Preus

Submissions from 1985


The Origin of Aristotle's Metaphysical Aporiae, Edward Halper


Eudemian Ethical Method, Lawrence J. Jost


Plato's Reply to the 'Worst Difficulty' Argument of the Parmenides: Sophist 248a-249d, Mark L. McPherran


How Does Plato Solve the Paradox of Inquiry in the Meno?, Michael Morgan


SAGP Newsletter 1985.1 (February), Anthony Preus


SAGP Newsletter 1985.2 (September), Anthony Preus


SAGP Newsletter 1985/6.2 (November), Anthony Preus


SAGP/SSIPS Program 1985, Anthony Preus


SAGP Newsletter Introduction 1985 (February), Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy


SAGP Newsletter Introduction 1985 (November), Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy

SAGP Newsletter Introduction 1985 (September), Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy


On 'Essentially' (hoper) in Aristotle, Alban Urbanas


Plato's Refutation of Thrasymachus: The Craft Argument, Edward Warren


Aristotle on Temperance, Charles Young