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50th Anniversary SAGP session at the APA, Eastern Division meeting, December 28, 2003, at the Washington DC Hilton (2-5 p.m. in the Hemisphere Room, Concourse): Aristotle , 2003/4.1

Chair: John Anton (University of South Florida-Tampa)

  • Phil Corkum (University of California-Los Angeles), “Ontological Independence in Aristotle’s Categories”
  • Hye-Kung Kim (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay), “Metaphysics H6 and the Problem of Unity”
  • Cathal Woods (Ohio State University), “Aristotle on the Virtue and Wisdom of the Many”
  • Rosamund Kent Sprague (U. of South Carolina), Remarks Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of SAGP

Ancient Psychological Theory

Chair: Elizabeth Asmis, University of Chicago

  • Elizabeth Belfiore, University of Minnesota, “Hybristes Ei: Socrates at the Symposium”
  • William Fortenbaugh, Rutgers University, “Aristotle and Theophrastus on the Emotions”
  • Priscilla Sakezles, University of Akron, “Aristotle and Chrysippus on the Psychology of Human Action: Criteria for Responsibility” (in absentia)

SAGP session at the APA, Pacific Division meeting, Thursday, March 25, 2004, 6-9 p.m. at the Sheraton/Hilton, Pasadena, California. 2003/4.2

Chair: Julius Moravscik, Stanford

  • Tushar Irani, Northwestern U, “Theory and Practice in Plato’s Theaetetus: The Question of Knowledge and the Primacy of Dialectic”
  • Denis Vlahovic, U. of St. Thomas, “Politics III on he ariste politeia”
  • Michael Bowler, Kenyon College, “The Quarrel Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Aristotle’s Realism and the Modern Skeptic”

SAGP at the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, April 22-25, 2004, Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL: Ancient Ethical Theory. 2003/4.2

Chair: Tony Preus, Binghamton U.

  • Lee Franklin, U. at Albany, “Techne and Teleology in Plato’s Gorgias”
  • Erik Wielenberg, DePauw U., “Egoism and Eudaimonia - Maximization in the Nicomachean Ethics”
  • Margaret Graver, Dartmouth, “Stoics on the Differentiation of Character”


SAGP session at the APA Central Division meeting, Saturday, April 24, 7-10 p.m. in Private Dining Room 5 (Third Floor) of the Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL: Ancient Ethical Theory, 2003/4.3

Chair: Tony Preus, Binghamton U.

  • Lee Franklin, U. at Albany, “Techne and Teleology in Plato’s Gorgias”
  • Erik Wielenberg, DePauw U., “Egoism and Eudaimonia - Maximization in the Nicomachean Ethics”
  • Margaret Graver, Dartmouth, “Stoics on the Differentiation of Character”
