Document Type
Date of Award
Manifold (Mathematics), Three-manifolds (Topology)
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Mathematical Sciences
First Advisor
Louis F. McAuley
Second Advisor
Ross Geoghegan
Third Advisor
Sol Raboy
Nothing in Chapter One is new. In Chapters Two and Four, the families of examples Li,j, Mi,j and Mi,j,k are new, although particular cases have been described in the literature; most notably L1,2 and M1,2,3 have been described by Barry Mazur, by E.C. Zeeman, and by Robert Edwards. In Chapter Three there are no new theorems, but the questions raised and some of the descriptions given in Chapter Three were not found in the literature. Chapter Five (except the first section) and Chapter Six comprise new methods of obtaining Heegaard splittings, and of computing link groups, respectively.
Recommended Citation
Dibner, Steve, "Heegaard splittings for an infinite family of closed orientable 3-manifolds" (1976). Graduate Dissertations and Theses. 319.