Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 21, Number 1 (2022)
Susan Finch
Hide and Seek
Liam Callanan
Zita Orizaga's Stress and Worry Blog
Danielle LaVaque-Manty
Umberto, My Child
Nelson Lloyd
Eulogy for a Grasshopper
Penny Pennell
What the Social Worker Says Vs What She Hears
Elisabeth Blair
Shelly Cato
Another Small Rebellion
Mary Christine Delea
The Last Harpy
Jillian N. Fantin
Joshua Jones
Dinner Party in Which I Bury My Hands
Tyler Kline
Posthumous Love Letter I Never Wrote
Violet Mitchell
Please, Whiteness
Emily Pérez
Dementia Poem
Casey Lynn Roland
Destiny USA
Keith Stahl
The Final Say
KT .
This Is the Artist, the Parent
Jeff Tigchelaar
Mother Dream with Summer and Winter
Leslie Williams
Creative Nonfiction
Trust Falls
Cynthia Belmont
Excuses in an Old Box
Janine Blue
Shadowboxing Anxiety
Jason M. Jones
Full Issue
Harpur Palate Volume 21, Issue 1
Harpur Palate .

- Editors in Chief
- Hannah Carr-Murphy
- Jamey McDermott
- Creative Nonfiction Co-Editors
- Mercia Kandukira
- Amy Parker
- Fiction Co-Editors
- Nicholas Kanaar
- Jamey McDermott
- Poetry Co-Editors
- Cole Depuy
- Macaulay Glynn
- Web Editors
- Hannah Carr-Murphy
- Macaulay Glynn
- Jamey McDermott
- Interns
- Nina Collavo
- Kayla McLoughlin
- Cover Artwork
- Martine Mooijenkind
Cover Art
Cover Art: “She’s not like that.” by Martine Mooijenkind
Martine Mooijenkind is a self-taught collage artist currently situated in Gouda, The Netherlands. In addition to her profession as a care attendant for the disabled, she practices the art of collage making.
Her works are mostly surreal. By merging several seemingly incompatible worlds into a new universe, she tries to increase the dynamice between audience and author by objectifying emotions and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations. Martine’s works are on the one hand touchingly beautiful, on the other hand, her works can also appear idiosyncratic and quirky.
Follow Martine on twitter, instagram, or facebook to see more of her incredible art!