
Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal


Sheree La Puma

Document Type



Sheree La Puma is an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in The Penn Review, Redivider, Sugar House Review, The Maine Review, The Lascaux Review, Salt Hill Literary Journal, Stand Magazine, Rust + Moth, Mantis, and Catamaran Literary Reader, among others. She earned her MFA in writing from CalArts. Her poetry has been nominated for Best of The Net and three Pushcarts. A reader for the Orange Blossom Review, her latest chapbook, ‘Broken: Do Not Use’ is currently available at Main Street Rag Publishing. www.shereelapuma.com // IG: @shereewrites // X: @shereewrites // FB: Sheree La Puma



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