Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Document Type
Full Issue
Contributors: Amanda Auchter | Margaret A. Robinson |Linda Dove |Kate Beles | Lori Anderson Moseman | Andrew Farkas | Thom Ward | Doug Ramspeck | Farrah Field | James Doyle | Anne Germanacos | T. J. Beitelman | Neil Shepard | Jaimee Wriston Colbert | Eric Rawson | Rachel Eliza Griffiths | Bradford Gray Telford | Richard Robbins | Otis Bardwell | Viet Dinh | Dara Mandle | Peter B. Hyland | E. R. Turner | Eric Cotts, Lawrence Lehman, Yan Xiang | Victoria Boynton | Dara-Lyn Shrager | Amy Spade | Ed Zahniser | Thomas Miller | Tom Haushalter | Judith Harris | Michael Steinberg | Roxana Cazan | Sarah Klenbort | Sean Thomas Dougherty | Renée E. D'Aoust | Matthew A. Ricke | Pablo Miguel MartÍnez
Recommended Citation
., Harpur Palate
"Harpur Palate, Volume 5 Issue 2, Winter 2006,"
Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal: Vol. 5:
2, Article 1.
Available at:
Editor: Catherine Dent | Associate Editor: Maggie Gerrity | Fiction Editors: Giselda Beaudin and J. D. Schraffenberger | Poetry Editors: Carolyn Fargnoli, Josh Keiter, and Deborah Poe | Layout Editor: Kathryn Henion | Faculty Advisor: Maria Mazziotti Gillan | Interns: Lauren DeSimone, Joel Davis, Ann Marie Genzale and Tiffani Incorvaia | Founding Editor: Toiya Kristen Finley