Volume 33 (2004)
Award for Excellence in Service
Sherene Baugher
Award for Excellence in Service
Ann-Eliza Lewis
David B. Landon
The Social and Material Lives of the Agricultural Elite: The18th-Century Tyngs of Dunstable, Massachusetts
Christa M. Beranek
Towards a Historical Archaeology of the German-Canadiansof Markham's Berczy Settlement
Eva M. MacDonald
"Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust": Observations on HumanSkeletal Taphonomy at Two Historic Cemeteries in NorthernRhode Island
Joseph N. Waller Jr.
The Rise of the Industrial Rural Tenant Laborers and the Rise of the Industrial Economy: Historical Ethnography of the Heminitz Property ,Site (36LH267), Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County,Pennsylvania
Daniel N. Bailey, John W. Lawrence, and Paul W. Schopp
Excavations at the Thaddeus Stevens and Lydia HamiltonSmith Site, Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Archaeological Evidencefor the Underground Railroad
James A. Delle and Mary Ann Levine
Whose Trash is it, Anyway? A Stratigraphic and CeramicAnalysis of the South Grove Midden (44FX762/17), MountVernon, Virginia
Eleanor E. Breen
The Mississauga at the Head-of-the-Lake: ExaminingResponses to Cultural Upheaval at the Close of the Fur Trade
John R. Triggs
Book Reviews
Book Review of "Myth, Memory, and the Making of the American Landscape", edited by Paul A. Shackel
Sherene Baugher
Book Review of "Unearthing Gotham: The Archaeology of New York City" by Anne-Marie Cantwell and Diana diZerega Wall
Nancy J. Brighton
- Editor
- David B. Landon,
- Assistant Editor
- Teresa Dujnic
- Assistant Editor
- Jennifer Malpiedi
Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Officers 2003-2004
Lu Ann De Cunzo
Executive Vice-Chair:
Ed Morin
Rebecca Yamin
Dena Doroszenko
Sara Mascia
Newsletter Editor:
David Starbuck