Volume 48 (2019) Northeast Historical Archaeology
Editor's Introduction
Maria O'Donovan
Rebuilding along the Rappahannock: The Methodologies of Urban Archaeological Survey in Fredericksburg and Beyond
Kerri S. Barile
Trial by Fire: The Marshall-Bell Kiln Site in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Heidi E. Krofft and Paul M. Nasca
Left Out in the Cold: Archaeology of the Sentry Box Ice House and the Ice Business in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Kerri S. Barile and Sean P. Maroney
The Architecture and Landscape of Slavery in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Douglas W. Sanford
The Historical Archaeology of Eighteenth-Century Tenancy at the Snowden Park Site (44SP0642)
D. Brad Hatch and Kerry Gonzalez
“Take an Ounce of Suffolk Cheese”: Home Repair of Eighteenth Century Ceramics at Ferry Farm, George Washington’s Boyhood Home
Mara Z. Kaktins, Melanie Marquis, Ruth Ann Armitage, and Daniel Fraser
"A Quixote in imagination might here find...an ideal baronage": Landscapes of Power, Enslavement, Resistance, and Freedom at Sherwood Forest Plantation
Lauren K. McMillan
"Set fier to the Town of Charlestown wich Consumed almost Every house in that town": An analysis of window leads from the Three Cranes Tavern site
Timothy B. Riordan
Tempering Our Expectations: Drinking, Smoking, and the Economy of a Western Massachusetts Farmstead-Tavern
Laura E. Masur and Aaron F. Miller
- Editor
- Maria O'Donovan
- Guest Editors
- D. Brad Hatch and Kerry González