The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter
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Abstract for “Unity and Logos” (Anc Phil 12.1:87-111):
A close reading of Socrates' refutation of the final proposed definition of knowledge, "true opinion with an account." I examine the provocations to further thinking Socrates poses with his dilemma of simplicity and complexity and then by his rejections of the three senses of "account," and I argue that these provocations guide the responsive reader to that rich and determinate understanding of the sort of 'object' which knowledge requires that the Parmenides and the Eleatic dialogues will go on to explicate.
This paper is available at http://pages.vassar.edu/mitchellmiller/.
Recommended Citation
Miller, Mitchell, "Unity and Logos: A Reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a" (1989). The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter. 161.
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Ancient History, Greek and Roman through Late Antiquity Commons, Ancient Philosophy Commons, History of Philosophy Commons
Mitchell Miller presented “Unity and Logos in Plato’s Eleatic Dialogues” to the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy with the American Philological Association in Boston, 1989. Part of this paper became “Unity and Logos: a reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a” Ancient Philosophy 12.1 (1992) 87-111.
This paper is available at http://pages.vassar.edu/mitchellmiller/. That is also a location to find out more about the author.