Alternate Author Name(s)

Alberto D. Torres

Author ORCID Identifier

Document Type


Date of Award



intimate partner violence, psychological measurement, Spanish assessment, cross- cultural measurement

Degree Name

Psychology (BA)



First Advisor

Dr. Matthew D. Johnson


Science and Mathematics

Subject Heading(s)

Intimate Partner Violence--prevention & control ; Patient Health Questionnaire


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is physical, psychological, or sexual abuse by a current or former romantic partner. The long- and short-term consequences can lead to severe repercussions. To prevent these consequences of IPV, we need to screen for it and assess it. Across cultures, IPV is present and should be assessed regardless of linguistic boundaries. Spanish is the most widely used language in the U.S. other than English; therefore, assessment instruments that can reliably capture IPV in Spanish are necessary. Although Spanish-language IPV instruments are available, they may be challenging to understand for Spanish speakers because of linguistic differences. In this study, I aim to create a collection of items that assess IPV that can be understood cross-culturally by Spanish speakers in North America. A systematic search was carried out in the Fall of 2022 for records containing Spanish measures of IPV. To identify items, Spanish IPV items were extracted, initially screened, and organized into categories corresponding to the actions they depicted. Then, the items were further screened to ensure there were no duplicates or items with like or similar wording. The finalized list of items was assessed for comprehensibility by a third-party expert translator who helped revise items based on reading level and regional dialect. The catalogue of items has been published on the BU libraries’ open repository and digital preservation service. This study has provided a comprehensive list of Spanish IPV items for enhancing assessment. Next steps include an item response theory analysis to create an IPV measure.
