Theses from 2024
The Effects of Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Kappa Opioid Receptor Expression Across Development in Rats, Margaret Agajanov and Kelcie Schatz
Investigation of nanoalloy catalysts and their performances in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, Megan Barber
Students of Color at Predominantly White Institutions—The Experience, Shamar Barker
Ethanol-induced alterations to astrocytic glutamate transporter mRNA expression in the mPFC of adult mice, Zachary Evans
Effects of the Sudden Reduction of Social Enrichment on a Novel Rat Model of Approach Orientation, Emily Feldman
Trust in government and policies of the COVID-19 pandemic: the before and after comparison in the European sample, Julia Match
Establishing Methods for the Detection of Thiamine in Resource-Deficient Settings, Sarah Matesic
Examining the urban heat island effect in Albany, NY using remote sensing and GIS techniques, Zhaoxin Ma
Investigating the role of tryptophan in the native photo-crosslinking of a cys-containing transmembrane helix to a membrane lipid double bond, Michael Jay Telehany
A compendium of cross-culturally valid intimate partner violence assessment items for North American Spanish speakers, Alberto D. Torres-Aragón
Interactions Between Adolescent Alcohol Consumption, Corticosterone, and Later Stress Sensitivity, Ariana L. Velazquez
Effects of ethanol on social-induced neural activity in a rat model of autism spectrum disorder, Andrew Waldon
Theses from 2023
Effect of motivational music on peak knee torque, perceived exertion, and enjoyment in college-aged individuals, Arianna Cole
Synthesis and evaluation of 1-substituted imidazo[4,5-c] quinoline TLR7 agonists with improved potency, Emma Grace DeYoung
Behavioral Economic Demand: Investigation of Sex Differences in Four Core Genotype Model of Oral Oxycodone Self-administration, Michelle Elsmore, David Jentsch, Joshua Peck, and Anushree Karkhanis
Surface enhanced raman scattering-based multiplexing detection of proteins in solutions, Hallie Feldman
A study of gold nanoparticles of different sizes with raman labels for surface enhanced raman spectroscopic detection, Melissa M. Hader
Functionalized nanoprobes for multiplexed surface enhanced raman spectroscopic detection of cancer biomarkers, Sydney D. Hakimi
Race in the relationship quality of sexual minority people of color: A meta-analytic review, Olivia M. Lawrence
Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite sensing films for breath sensors, Tara Mercer
The role of culture on psychological intimate partner violence victimization among Latinx males, Saúl A. Padilla
Effects of Acute and Repeated Alcohol Exposure on Expression of Synaptic-Associated Genes in the Male and Female Mouse mPFC, Dhruba Podder
Variation in sign-tracking and goal-tracking behaviors in a genetically diverse inbred panel of mice, Emily A. Schoenblum
Potential Sex Differences in Noradrenergic Circuitry and Modulation of Anxiety-like Behavior, Marcis Scroger
From “calling” to “just talking": An exploration of changing relationship terminology as a linguistic societal phenomenon, Leora Wasserman
Theses from 2022
The synthesis of 3-formyltyrosine for the purpose of in virto fluorescent visualization of microtubules, Angelina Bonacasa
Characterization of bimetallic silver-copper nanoinks with hydroxyethyl-cellulose additives, Daniel Brunick
Optimization of paper-based substrates for surface enhanced raman spectroscopic biosensor development, Kaylee M. Cappuccio
Synthesis and characterization of hydrazine derivatives of coumarin for bioorthogonal chemistry inside cells, Akiva J. Grimaldi
GlyPro as a self-immolative spacer for the release of payloads from antibody-drug conjugates, Justin Michael Howe
Photocatalytic Anti-Markovnikov Hydroetherification of Olefins, Kimberly A. Loyer
Synthesis and characterization of ternary Pt nanoally catalysts for fuel cells, Ylith Peck
Computational investigation of calmodulin photocontrol with the help of an azobenzene derivative, Jeremy Wells
Theses from 2021
Egyptian stasis and imperial quick-time: recursive xenophobia cloaked in mysticism, Laura S. DeLuca
Using tattoo inks to develop undergraduate general chemistry and high school level chemistry students’ understanding of atomic emission, Emma Horoszewski
Theses from 2020
D-Glucose-6-phosphate stimulates SagS-dependent biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Madison Gowett
Immune system detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa persister cells, Grace Elizabeth Himmler
Acculturative stress and aspects of well-being among Chinese international students in U.S. higher education, Liam G. Lane
Characterizations of bimetallic silver-copper nanoparticles, Omar Lezcano
Optimization of ADC linkers: design and evaluation of a FRET-based ADC linker-library, Jared T. Miller
The analysis of honor killings in Pakistan and how it is related to the notion of “what will other people say?", Mahum Nazar
The temporal relevance of scraping and polishing of Trincheras pottery sherds in the Alter Valley, Sonora, México, Eta Pastreich
Electrophysiological characterization of the inhibitory effects of 2-amino-4-bis (aryloxy benzyl) amino butanoic acids on alanine serine cysteine transporter 2 and sodium coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2, Paul Serguei Zakrepine
Theses from 2001
New approaches to processing nanoparticles and nanostructures, Mathew M. Maye
Theses from 1979
Contemporary Claims in Linguistic Philosophy, Charles W. McGarry
Theses from 1974
The role of the House of Commons in the quest for Empire : 1748-1756, Stephen E. Ford