Preparing Students for After-College Life: The Context
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Summer 2012
What role do colleges and universities play in preparing students for life after college? Much like parents who continually balance caring for their child versus carrying their child, colleges and universities must defi ne their role in educating students in a way that will assist them not only during their time as students, but for the long term as well. Historical context informs the work of student affairs professionals and others in higher edu-cation in striking the right balance in helping prepare students for life after college, but signifi cant new pressures face students, their mentors, and educational institutions today.This chapter discusses the contexts that shape the work of student affairs professionals and their colleagues in helping students prepare for life after their undergraduate experience. That discussion begins with a brief review of the historical context and then moves to a lengthier review of the contemporary context.
Publisher Attribution
Published online in Wiley Periodicals, Inc., In New Directions for Student Services, no. 138, Summer 2012 DOI: 10.1002/ss.20002
Recommended Citation
Smith, Kelli K., "Preparing Students for After-College Life: The Context" (2012). CCPD Staff Scholarly and Creative Works. 3.