Document Type


Date of Award



International business enterprises, Industrial policy

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Political Science

First Advisor

Richard H. Dekmeijan

Second Advisor

Dennis L. Thompson

Third Advisor

Mary T. Hanna


During the early 1970's; the multinational corporations suddenly became a major issue of public concern. Among the reasons were the inflationary spiral and the dramatic rise in oil prices after the Arab oil bargo of Fall 1973.

While to the public the companies were a novel topic, to the economists they were not; much scholarly and sem-scholarly work had been done on the various aspects of multinational corporations. However it is significant that most of the literature on the subject is the work of specialists who by training are either economist; or business executives. Too often they lack a critical attitude and tend to look at their subject from the narrow point of view provided by their discipline. It is significant that few non-economists were interested in multinational corporations until very recently. As far as the discipline of political science is concerned, the political problems that are generated by multinational company operations constitute a new field of inquiry. This new concern regarded as a most welcome development.

Available for download on Tuesday, April 01, 2025
