"Tracking the Spread of Invasive Species in the Binghamton University N" by Zhanchao Yang, Sirsha O'Day et al.

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Fall 11-18-2022


Natural Preserve, Binghamton University, Invasive species, GIS


Our research focus on the two most common invasive plants--Autumn Olive and Common Reed distribution pattern analytics and campus community education level of the invasive species. We used Survey123 to collect campus community members' opinion and their educational background on invasive species. We also used ArcGIS FieldMap to collect the species distribution data. Finally, we integrate them and get a conclusion. Our findings point out that the invasive species spreading corresponds with the most frequent trials. More education programs should be implemented in order to protect our environment. Some solution inludes volunteer cleaning up program, report invasive species, etc. Further research can be focused on using advanced technologies to track invasive species, interactive dashboard implement,etc.
