Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 10, Number 1 (2010)
King and Balloon
Jessamyn Hope
Select All
E. G. Silverman
The Distances Wear on You
Andy Jameson
Bow and String
Michael Koenig
When They'd Gotten the Bear in the Cage
Rob Carney
Why the River
Meredith Davies Hadaway
Excerpts from Ghost Numbers
Susan Briante
Sheep's Head on a Plate
Michael Cadnum
The Rock Doves of Istanbul
Michael Cadnum
Silver Anniversary
Terry Godbey
On my knees, I salt the porcelain stains
Justin Runge
Wallpaper Everywhere Even the Ceiling
Heather Christle
In the Movie Version, We'll All Be Computer Animated
Weston Cutter
Who Shall Be Captain?
Weston Cutter
Assembling Prospect Park
Chris Caldemeyer
To My Infant Son Crawling for the First Time
Michael Levan
Diamond Life
Kathleen Hellen
Not Thinking It Was So with Yellow Flowers
Lyn Lifshin
The U.S. Geological Survey as Fortune Teller
Stephanie Coyne DeGhett
means to an end
Michael Burkard
Evening Bird
Michael Burkard
Everyone Wanted Carnations That Year
Toni Thomas
What We Look at Now
Alita Pirkopf
corpus christi
Anthony Opal
Amtrak: East, to Chicago
Lynn Pattison
How to Walk on a Lake Path at Night
Nick Lantz
Donny Takes a Night Class
Sara Tracey
A Rose from Yesterday
Errol Miller
Reading the Signs
Alice Pero
Empty Spaces
Alice Pero
Funeral Song
Stephanie Kartalopoulous
General Lee
Samuel Stenger Renken
Ways of Writing about Rust
Karen J. Weyant
Untitled for Christopher Burawa
Norman Dubie
On a Plain of Jars
Norman Dubie
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 10, Issue 1, Summer 2010
Harpur Palate .

- Editor
- James Capozzi
- Virginia Shank
- Associate Editor
- Barrett Bowlin
- Fiction Editors
- Cameron Eigner
- Ryan Dunham
- Poetry Editor
- Matthew Burns
- Layout Editor
- Camden Flath
- Art Direction
- Matthew Burns
- Camden Flath
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
Cover Art
Cover: Single Animation Cel from Idiots and Angels (2010), by Bill Plympton. Text set in Adobe Garamond Pro. Printed by Montrose Publishing, Montrose, PA.
Copyright Statement
Copyright 2010 by the Department of English, Binghamton University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the English Department, Binghamton University. Members of CLMP, CELJ, Broome County Arts Council, Gorgeous Washington Street Association. Indexed by Humanities International Complete, Duotrope, The Writer's Chronicle, New Pages, and Poem Finder.