Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 12, Number 1 (2012)
The Magician
Lena Bertone
Blob of Jelly, Shrimp in My Belly
Elissa Cahn
The Sooner's Son
Joseph Celizic
The Sleep Room
John Gritton
Ah, No Choo
Michelle Ruby
To Live by the Lake
Randolph Thomas
Another Country
Judy Bebelaar
Suicide Mission
Brad Bisio
A Borrowed Childhood Memory, New York City, 1923
Mark Jay Brewin Jr
Ball and Chain
Anhvu Buchanan
Love as a Postscipt
Joshua Butts
July 23, 2011
Doug Paul Case
Song for My Father
Sean Thomas Doughtery
Cache in Coney Island
Emily Janowick
Brenna Leimieux
Emergency Room
Donald Levering
Lyn Lifshin
I Think of Enheduanna's Words
Lyn Lifshin
Proposition: In Which The Heroine Wears Thigh High Boots from Rick's Toy Box
Brandi Nicole Martin
The Skeleton Pier
Devon Moore
Score For Likeness
Allyson Paty
Assault F-150
Alison Pelegrin
Nina Puro
In Russian, the Name For Wolf is Volk
Lana Rakhman
Surround Sound
Katharine Rauk
Yoko Sugiyama
Noel Sloboda
George Such
Meditations On Species in a Train Cabin
Nicholas Y. B. Wong
Quiet Poems
Felicia Zamora
Creative Nonfiction
In Josaphat's Valley
J. A. Bernstein
Ahmed's Bicycle Shop
Cullen McVoy
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 12 Issue 1, Summer & Fall 2012
Harpur Palate .

- Editors
- Marissa Shwalm
- Jennie Case
- Associate Editor
- Sara Erdmann
- Fiction Editor
- Trisha Cowen
- Robert Miegl
- Nonfiction Editor
- Augusto Facchini
- Joseph Montalbo
- Poetry Editor
- Nicole Santalucia
- Molly Kat
- Poetry Board
- Dante Di Stefano
- Sasha Hoffman
- Kate Sweeney
- Nicholas Wilsey
- Prose Board
- Matthew Tompkins
- Corey Pentoney
- Mahmoud Zidan
- Ann Marie Genzale
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
- Interns
- David Alter
- Melissa Imm
- Jonathan Mart
Copyright Information
Copyright 2012, by the Department of English, Binghamton University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the English Department, Binghamton University. Members of CLMP, CEJL, Broome County Arts Council, Gorgeous Washington Street Association. Indexed by Humanities International Complete, Duotrope, The Writer's Chronicle, New Pages, and Poem Finder. Typeset in Harpur Palate Franklin Gothic, ITC Clearface, and Monotype Palatin. Printed by: Integrated Book Technology, Inc. Troy, N.Y. Cover Art: Drew Mosley, drewmosley.tumblr.com