Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 12, Number 2 (2013)
Panda, Penis, Eyeball
Andrea Lewis
Family Planning
Tina Tocco
Wraith Work
Patrick Vincent Welsh
Something Like an Aubade
Sean White
Like Bread the Light
Joe Wilkins
Against Amnesia
Nin Andrews
My Belly Is the Softest Dream I Have
Dylan Bargteil
The Hands Strike Five
J. Bradley
The New Year
Jackie Clark
Central Illinois Takes Inventory
Andrea England
The Sounds Oblivion Makes
Laura Davies Foley
Common Goods
Suzanne Marie Hopcroft
Séance on Waterman Street
Suzanne Marie Hopcroft
The Story of My Father
Holly Karapetkova
Newborn in Zion National Park
Cody Lumpkin
Historic District
Chris Mink
Manatees and Swamp Rats
Travis Mossotti
After Loss, a Certain Train
Isaac Pressnell
Totem at Mirror Lake
Matt Sumpter
Elegy for a School Bus Driver
William Walsh
Spoon River in Uganda
William Walsh
Creative Nonfiction
The Foghorn Cough
Maia Evrona
The Wild Ducks of Venice
Robert Hargreaves
Mr. Brown [Or a Study of Death As All The Rage]
Julie Marie Wade
Coco and Baby Squeaks
Thomas White
On Writing and Womanhood: An Interview With Marie Howe
Marissa Schwalm
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 12 Number 2, Winter and Spring 2013
Harpur Palate .

- Editors
- Jennie Case
- Sara Erdmann
- Associate Editor
- Trisha Cowen
- Fiction Editor
- Robert Miegl
- Augusto Facchini
- Nonfiction Editor
- Marissa Schwalm
- Joe Montalbo
- Poetry Editor
- Nicole Santalucia
- Molly Kat
- Poetry Board
- Dante Di Stefano
- Airek Beauchamp
- Kate Sweeney
- Abby Murray
- Mahmoud Zidan
- Matt Tompkins
- Patricia Kinney
- Prose Board
- Corey Pentoney
- Melanie Cordova
- Julia Ludwig
- Ann Marie Genzale
- Kayleigh Wanzer
- Clara Barnhart
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
- Interns
- Victoria Chow
- Nicholas Wilsey
- Cover Artwork
- Brian Keeler
Copyright Information
Copyright 2013, Department of English, Binghamton University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission fo the English Department, Binghamton University. Members of CLMP, CEJL, Broome County Arts Council, Gorgeous Washington Street Association. Indexed by Humanities International Complete, Duotrope, The Writer's Chronicle, New Pages, and Poem Finder. Typeset in Harpur Palate Franklin Gothic, ITC Clearface, and Monotype Palatin. Printed by Integrated Book Technology, Inc. Troy, N.Y. Cover Art: Brian Keeler, BrianKeeler.com