Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 14, Number 1 (2014)
Basil, Lemons, and Blood
Kashana Cauley
The Abalone Diver
Anna Gates Ha
Blood Trail
Keith Lesmeister
Where I Am and Where I Need to Go
Casey Pycior
The Positional Player
Janet Schneider
The First Call
Julie Babcock
On Seeing My Ex-Wife at the Farmers' Market
Brandon Courtney
Weights and Measures
Brandon Courtney
Self-Portrait in Accident, Maryland
Rochelle Hurt
Reverse Voyage
Major Jackson
To the Liquor Store with Hayden Carruth
M. P. Jones IV
Puritan Roots
Rob MacDonald
First Snow Aubade
Michelle Menting
About Derrida, If You're Into That
Kathryn Nuernberger
More Experiments with the Mysterious Property of Animal Magnetism (1769)
Kathryn Nuernberger
Practice Smiling
William Palmer
Ode to My Ribcage
Janelle Rainer
Fifty Shades of Grey
Jim Reese
Man's Four Biggest Fears
Jim Reese
Potatoes are in the Dryer
Jim Reese
Annointing of the Sick
Emily Schulten
I Like it Here in America
M. A. Vizsolyi
Building a Turtle
Charles Harper Webb
Horse-Driven Men
Tana Jean Welch
Creative Nonfiction
Crab Season
Melissa Oliveira
An Interview with Stephanie Powell Watts
Melanie J. Cordova
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 14 Issue 1, Summer & Fall 2014
Harpur Palate .

- Editors
- Melanie J. Cordova
- Fiction Editors
- Jason Allen
- Benjamin Burgholzer
- Julian Darragjati
- Nonfiction Editors
- Robert Ryan
- Kayleigh Wanzer
- Poetry Editor
- Dante Di Stefano
- James Fitz Gerald
- Brian Trimboli
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Interns
- Miriam Geiger
- Elizabeth Zimmer
- Poetry & Prose Board
- Rose Fritzsky-Randolph
- Abby E. Murray
- Matt Sumpter
- Sri Siddhi Upadhyay
- Cover Artwork
- Meredith Britt
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
Copyright Information
Copyright 2014, Department of English, Binghamton University. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recorded, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the English Department, Binghamton University. Members of CLMP, CELJ, Broome County Arts Council, Gorgeous Washington Street Association. Indexed by Humanities International Complete, Duotrope, The Writers Chronicla, New Pages, and Poem Finder. Typeset in Harpur Palate Franklin Gothic, ITC clearface, and monotype Palatin. Printed by Yurchak Printing, inc. Cover art by Meredith Britt, "The Horses Return to Vaughn."