Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 15, Number 1 (2015)
Climate Change
Kerry Donoghue
Battle Lines
Aimée Baker
Fourteen Pounds
Aimée Baker
My Step-Father Shows Me How to Clean an Abalone
Garrett Bryant
Your Mother, My Mother All Once Removed
Laurin DeChae
Desert Solstice
Trina Gaynon
Walt Whitman
Jasper Haze
Newly Strange
Gwendolyn Jensen
Another Wild Animal
Brad Johnson
The Raccoon in My Ceiling
Rhonda Lott
Tips from the Morton Salt Girl
Rhonda Lott
Suicide Watch I
Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
Suicide Watch II
Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
Found Poem
Jane Molinary
Birthday Poem
Adam Scheffler
Skinny Dipping with St. Anthony
Karen J. Weyant
On and On (And Off Again)
Tony Whedon
Requiem for a Doll
Ellie White
Creative Nonfiction
Silence and Surrender
Marilee Robin Burton
My Soviet Shadow
Carrie Messenger
Vegetable Psychology, Lovesick Astrology
Elizabeth Zaleski
"So Damn Liberating" An Interview with Jesse Goolsby
Barrett Bowlin
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 15 Number 1, Summer and Fall 2015
Harpur Palate .

- Editor in Chief
- Jason Allen
- Melanie J. Cordova
- Managing Editor
- Carolyn Keller
- Fiction Editors
- Roberta Borger
- Carolyn Keller
- Liam Meilleur
- Nonfiction Editors
- Julian Darragjati
- Poetry Editor
- Dante Di Stefano
- Abby E. Murray
- Sri Siddhi N. Upadhyay
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Poetry & Prose Board
- Joel Davis
- Anita Raychawdhuri
- Cover Artwork
- Jonny Silva
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
Copyright Information
Copyright 2015, Department of English, Binghamton University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recorded, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the English Department, Binghamton University. Members of CLMP, CELJ, Broome County Arts Council, Gorgeous Washington Street Association. Indexed by Humanities International Complete, Duotrope, The Writer's Chronicle, New Pages, and Poem Finder. Typeset in Harpur Palate Franklin Gothic, ITC Clearface, and Monotype Palatin. Printed by Yurchak Printing, Inc. Cover art by Jonny Silva, "Pearl"