Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 20, Number 2 (2021)
Preta, Their Never-Ending Hunger
Vikram Ramakrishnan
Hope for the Future
Leah Browning
Love Story, 2062
Glenn Taylor
The Virtuoso (Circa 2018)
Leah Browning
From Scratch
Christi R. Suzanne
Potter's Field
James Kelly Quigley
Spilling Empty Cup
Michael Eichelberger
The Smoke Rose Out of Manhattan
Charles Rafferty
Ode For You Walking By
Brian Simoneau
Angie Macri
Letter [Class] 01/30/13
Jonathan Mundell
The Big Hurt
John Cullen
Aubade with Strap-On
Claire Robbins
Person You Many Know
Karen Z. Duffy
Interstate Rest Stop
Dan Pinkerton
r u busy right now?
Robin Gow
Tainan Nocturne
Emily Liu
Extinction Method
Samuel Piccone
Empathic Poem
Paul Bisagni
Incidental Take
Derek Otsuji
"[sic] deer"
Dean Gessie
Slaughterhouse Moms
Francine Montemurro
Litany Domestica
Samuel Piccone
Gently Used Kids
Jane Zwart
The Morning After the Most Recent Shooting I Saw
William Fargason
Blood Line
Donna Vorreyer
Professor Plum
Sugar Le Fae
Creative Nonfiction
Stephanie Savell
In the Know
S. Salazar
My Shallowest Apologies
Jacob M. Appel
Saints and the Rest of Us
Sue Granzella
Full Issue
Harpur Palate Volume 20, Issue 2
Harpur Palate .

- Editor in Chief
- Sarah Sassone
- Managing Editor
- Hannah Carr-Murphy
- Fiction Co-Editors
- Nic Kanaar
- Jamey McDermott
- Nonfiction Co-Editors
- Jessica Femiani
- Amy Parker
- Poetry Co-Editors
- Cole Depuy
- Macaulay Glynn
- Interns
- Emanuel Campo
- Laura DeLuca
- Cover Artwork
- Jason R. Montgomery
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
Cover Art
Cover Art: “Maps” by Jason R. Montgomery
Jason R. Montgomery, or JRM, is a Chicano/Indigenous Californian writer, painter, and playwright from El Centro, California. In 2016, along with Poet Alexandra Woolner, and illustrator Jen Wagner, JRM founded Attack Bear Press in Easthampton, MA. In 2019, JRM’s art was featured at CreativeArts Workshop in New Haven, CT, and his solo show Aqui Y Alla at the MapSpace Gallery in Easthampton. JRM completed graduate studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara’s Department of Theatre and Dance with an emphasis in Playwriting and Chicano Studies in 2006. JRM’s work for the Coalescence show at Readywipe Gallery is an exploration of the cultural synthesis intrinsic to decolonization. Using found collage and construction materials, he merges Kumeyaay, Chumash, and Chicano designs and aesthetics to explore the history of US colonization, while synthesising a decolonized motif that honors the complicated heritage of the postcolonial subject.
His work can be found at: www.attackbearpress.com
Copyright Statement
Harpur Palate (ISSN NO. 1532-9046) Is published semi-annually by graduate studetns at the Department of English at Binghamton University. For more information about subscribing or submitting, visit our website: harpurpalate.binghamton.edu. Copyright 2022, Department of English, Binghamton University.