Patrick Kindig is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection fascinations (Finishing Line Press 2025), the chapbook all the catholic gods (Seven Kitchens Press 2019), and the micro-chapbook Dry Spell (Porkbelly Press 2016) as well as the academic monograph Fascination: Trance, Enchantment, and American Modernity (Louisiana State University Press 2022). His poems have appeared in the American Poetry Review, the Cincinnati Review, Colorado Review, Washington Square Review, Copper Nickel, and other journals.
Recommended Citation
Kindig, Patrick
Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal: Vol. 22:
2, Article 19.
Available at:
Patrick Kindig is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection fascinations (Finishing Line Press 2025), the chapbook all the catholic gods (Seven Kitchens Press 2019), and the micro-chapbook Dry Spell (Porkbelly Press 2016) as well as the academic monograph Fascination: Trance, Enchantment, and American Modernity (Louisiana State University Press 2022). His poems have appeared in the American Poetry Review, the Cincinnati Review, Colorado Review, Washington Square Review, Copper Nickel, and other journals.