
Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal


Editor in Chief
Hannah Carr-Murphy
Creative Nonfiction Co-Editor
Suzanne Rose Richardson
Fiction Co-Editors
Samia Ahmed
Alycia Calvert
Sam Corradetti
Poetry Co-Editors
Ella Flores
Jordan Franklin
Fall 2023 RHET 440 “Editing a Lit Mag” students
Cover Artwork
Emily Rankin

Cover Image

About our cover image: “Night Fall” by Emily Rankin Emily Rankin was born in Riverside, California and attended university in Texas, where she received a BFA in 2011. Her body of work deals with the tangles of human emotion and understanding, the intuitive messages of dreaming and subconsious exploration. Her work has appeared in such publications as Gasher, Wild Roof Journal, Meat for Tea, Black Fox, and Rattle. She is currently based in New Mexico. You can see more of her art on Instagram and Facebook, or at eerankinart.com. From the artist: “This piece makes up part of an ongoing series, Fluid, which seeks to capture the ways in which a fluid moment in time might be fixed in the mind. Fluid art is a representation of liminal space, an echo of the moment before the paint dried. I’m interested in the way the momentary motion of liquid paint can be captured and pinned to canvas.”.