Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Volume 4, Number 2 (2005)
Blind Spot
Roy Kesey
Further Evidence You Are a Changeling
George Tucker
One of Star Wars, One of Doom
Lee K. Abbott
Mulberry, Monkey and Weasel
Jonathan Crimmins
Draft of an Obituary (Written by the Deceased, Three Days Before Her Death)
Ronald F. Currie Jr.
Winter Beans
Bruce Holland Rogers
How We Say Good-bye
Joan Connor
Prayer for the Light Baby
Gail Waldstein
Mr. Bertel Poem #3, or Smart-ass-ology 101
Ryan G. Van Cleave
John W. Evans
To Dorothy, Again
Marvin Bell
Crossing the Cheviots
Marvin Bell
Post Script: Read This Backward, or at Least Remember the Beginning Like You Would the End
Kristin Abraham
Ars Poetica
Anne Keefe
Aubade in Stockholm
Sascha Feinstein
Anniversary Poem
Sascha Feinstein
The Concert
Hal Sirowitz
Naming Your Pet
Matthew Byrne
Suburban Noir
Sue William Silverman
Ellsworth Avenue
Grace Cavalieri
Objet Trouvé
Ron McFarland
More Than One Hand
Dara Cerv
Torch Passing
Raymond P. Hammond
Sunday Mornings
Doug Ramspeck
Ed, Bragging
Francine M. Tolf
Mr. D Takes His Mother to Church
Candace Black
Mr. D Sells His House
Candace Black
I Conked a Dog
Russell Rowland
Creative Nonfiction
Fire and Cerebomy
Sascha Feinstein
Art and Photography
Art portfolio 1
Kara D'Angelo
Art portfolio 2
Kara D'Angelo
Full Issue
Harpur Palate, Volume 4 Issue 2, Winter 2005
Harpur Palate .

- Editors-in-Chief
- Doris Umbers
- Managing Editor
- Catherine Dent
- Assistant Managing Editor
- Maggie Gerrity
- Fiction Editor
- Letitia Moffit
- Silas Zobal
- Poetry Editors
- Katy D'Angelo
- Ryan Vaughan
- Layout Editor
- Kathryn Henion
- Webmaster
- Kathryn Henion
- Faculty Advisor
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan
- Intern
- Elizabeth Schwartz
- Founding Editor
- Toiya Kristen Finley
Copyright Statement
Member of CLMP. Indexed by the American Humanities Index and Poem Finder. Printed by Courier Printing. ©Department of English, Binghamton University. P.O. Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000. All rights reserved.