
Guatemalan Forced Migration (Migración Forzada de Guatemaltecos)

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Guatemalan, forced migration, forced migrants, La Gloria, Chiapas, Mexico


The photographic exhibition ‘Guatemalan forced migration: the politics of care in representing refugees’ explores the mechanisms of representation used for forced migrants that stage appropriate refugee identities to justify the need for humanitarian care. This project is inspired by the Whitney Museum of American Art’s 2005 exhibit titled ‘At the Mercy of Others: The Politics of Care’ — an exhibition more interested in questioning than affirming care. Similarly, the Guatemalan exhibition explores these questions through photo-documentary work with indigenous Guatemalan forced migrants living in the former refugee camp of La Gloria in the state of Chiapas in Mexico.

La exhibición fotográfica “Migración Forzada de Guatemaltecos: Las políticas de caridad en la representación de refugiados” explora los mecanismos de representación usados para migrantes forzados, mostrando identidades apropiadas de refugiados para justificar la necesidad de apoyo humanitario.
