Volume 36 (2007) The Historical Archaeology of Sylvester Manor
Stephen A. Mrozowski and Katherine Howlett Hayes
Dedication to Mrs. Alice Fiske
Stephen A. Mrozowski
The Archaeology of Sylvester Manor
Stephen A. Mrozowski, Katherine Howlett Hayes, and Anne P. Hancock
From Youghco to Black John: Ethnohistory of Sylvester Manor, ca. 1600–1735
Katherine Lee Priddy
Field Excavations at Sylvester Manor
Katherine Howlett Hayes
Geophysical Explorations at Sylvester Manor
Kenneth L. Kvamme
The Use of Soil Micromorphology at Sylvester Manor
Eric Proebsting
Cider, Wheat, Maize, and Firewood: Paleoethnobotany at Sylvester Manor
Heather Trigg and Ashley Leasure
Zooarchaeological Evidence for Animal Husbandry and Foodways at Sylvester Manor
Sarah Sportman; Craig Cipolla,; and David Landon
Conclusion: Meditations on the Archaeology of Northern Plantations
Stephen A. Mrozowski,; Katherine Howlett Hayes; Heather Trigg; and Jack Gary
- Editor
- David B. Landon
- Assistant Editor
- Ashley Peles
- French Editor
- Virginia Sheehan
Sample Header.
Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology
Officers 2006-2007
- Chair
- Karen Metheny
- Vice-Chair
- Meta Janowitz
- Executive Vice Chair
- Ed Morin
- Executive Vice Chair
- Joseph Last
- Secretary
- Ellen Blaubergs
- Treasurer
- Sara Mascia
- Newsletter Editor
- David Starbuck