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Over the past decade, the illicit use of ADHD medication has become an increasingly popular method for students on college campuses believing that it will boost their academic performance. The use of such drugs in an academic setting has been shown to temporarily increase one's ability to concentrate and study efficiency. Caffeine is another substance widely consumed by college students that supports focus and concentration. Both caffeine and ADHD medications are considered stimulants, although caffeine is a weaker form. Stimulants have been described to prime the brain for further stimulant use. As part of a larger study, we investigate whether the use of caffeine is correlated with ADHD medication use. An anonymous survey was shared on social media targeting U.S. college students. Demographic questions included gender, age, major, and academic class. Other questions asked were about the use of illicit ADHD medication, frequency, and perception. Over 500 undergraduate students from campuses across the Northeast completed the survey. Data was collected using a Google survey and analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient in SPSS, Version 25.0. Data collection is still going on. Our results suggest that there might be an association between high caffeine use and use of stimulants.
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Umeozor, Devon; Koltun, Rebecca; Khan, Jumza; and Mccan, Sara, "Analyzing The Connection Between Illicit ADHD Medication Use and Caffeine Use" (2021). Research Days Posters 2021. 28.