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A wide range of anthropogenic effects to the environment including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and harmful agricultural activities have contributed to the rapid increase in climate change globally, with particularly devastating effects in Madagascar. These changes have added to the accelerating levels of malnutrition and famine amongst the Malagasy people. The implications of famine and malnutrition are extensive, resulting in starvation, stunting of growth in children, and a lack of adequate resources to support the population. Altogether, these threats have resulted in one of the most dangerous humanitarian crises in our modern world. This research aims to identify the main pathways by which climate change affects food availability in Madagascar resulting in famine and malnutrition. Using data sets that document global CO2 emissions, I assess which countries have the largest carbon emission and how they contribute to global climate change. There is an urgent need to hold countries with a large carbon footprint accountable for the harm they are doing to countries such as Madagascar. It is crucial to understand why Madagascar is at a greater risk of experiencing the effects of climate change and to develop methods in which aid can be brought to them.
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Recommended Citation
Orduña, Angelina, "The Human Problem: How Anthropogenic Climate Change is Leading to Malnutrition and Famine in Madagascar" (2022). Research Days Posters 2022. 13.