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Undergraduate student Trevor Fornara, as a participant in the Summer Scholars and Artists Program, created the first print edition of Happy Medium Magazine under the guidance of faculty advisor Heather Dorn. Happy Medium Magazine is a student-run nonpartisan politics magazine published by Happy Medium, a subsidiary organization of the Student Association at Binghamton University. The project entailed planning, content curating, editing, designing, and distributing the publication’s first print edition. Seven articles were selected to be featured in the edition, and a unique design was created for each page to match the article's theme. Through a collaboration with the Binghamton University Center for Civic Engagement, a detachable voter registration form was included on the back inside cover of the magazine with instructions for students registering on and off campus. One thousand copies of the thirty-two-page edition were printed with funds from the Summer Scholars and Artists Program stipend.
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Fornara, Trevor, "Happy Medium Magazine" (2023). Research Days Posters 2023. 29.