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In my research I will be asking the question of how romanticization across media types supports capitalism. In media such as television shows and movies, the concept of big cities is used to create an ideal setting that draws people in. They also create an ideal character that coincides with this ideal setting. The combination of these ideals is used to create a romanticized life that people strive to achieve. To achieve such a life, usually means purchasing subsequent products that these ideal characters also use. This is also seen in modern social media with influencers, and celebrities. These are real life adaptations of these ideal characters that are in some ways, more influential in creating this ideal reality for people to strive for then the characters are. No matter if we’re looking at the ideal character, or ideal person, we still see people trying to become them. This desire to become them then turns into people buying into what they represent, and supporting our capitalist economy.
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Recommended Citation
Jette, Emily, "Romanticization in Media" (2023). Research Days Posters 2023. 37.