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The laws and regulations put into place by the federal and state government regarding healthcare in New York State prisons do not compare to the ineffectiveness of them put into practice, and therefore have pushed a punitive system within correctional facilities. The lack of healthcare infringes on the rights of health guaranteed to every citizen, which includes the right to control their own bodies. By removing one of the only things inmates have control over in their lives causes their self-esteem, self-worth, and ambition to deteriorate. Without feeling healthy and strong physically, inmates feel incompetent and lack the motivation they need to grow and become the best version of themselves before they go back into the community. Neglecting the minimum standards of medical treatment given to inmates coerces punishment and specifically targets the inmate’s simply for being sick, therefore steering them away from rehabilitation, and towards recidivism.
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Recommended Citation
Raimonda, Julianna, "Healthcare: The Causative Factor of the Punitive Prison System" (2023). Research Days Posters 2023. 81.