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Native American women are twice as likely to be raped than women of other races and ethnicities in the United States. My research seeks to answer: (1) why the rates are so high, (2) what has been done to address this, and (3) what we can do now and in the future to provide a solution that will lower this susceptibility. To accomplish this, I evaluate legal cases such as Oliphant V Susquamish, interviews of women including but not limited to Sarah Deer and Lisa Brunner, who share their personal stories and are prominent figures in the movement to redress this issue, and research findings of health and government agencies. In addition, I consult secondary scholarship and media coverage. Preliminary research pins the “jurisdictional maze”, a term for the complex jurisdiction system when handling assault cases of plaintiffs who are Native American as a primary cause for the high rate. Writing on this topic and answering these questions will be beneficial as it will provide measures to prevent the high rates and better access for women to protection of their sexual health.
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Recommended Citation
Strawgate, Heidi, "Combating Jurisdictonal Barriers That Cause Susceptibility of Native American Women to Rape" (2023). Research Days Posters 2023. 94.