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This project reviews the Renewable Portfolio Standards of individual states, to analyze their strengths and weaknesses at encouraging renewable energy. The RPS will be evaluated on a series of criteria to examine their effectiveness and how realistic they are. The first criterion will be the goals set by RPS for renewable energy production within their state and their timeline for achieving transitions. The change in renewable energy usage after the establishment of the RPS will be examined to determine legitimacy of the standard, and its ability to combat climate change. In order to assess the practicality of RPS, the technology required to meet the goals established will be explored through literature review of currently available technology. These assessments will be used to determine the need for more RPS in the future, what currently limits RPS from reaching their goals, and what is preventing them from being adopted in more states.
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Recommended Citation
Arnold, John, "Renewable Portfolio Standards Throughout the United States: Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Renewable Energy Policies" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 10.