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Cover cropping is an increasingly important practice of modern sustainable agriculture. Given the various detrimental ecological effects of many modern agricultural practices, farming sustainability is a vital component of any broader movements advocating environmental health. New York State has unique risks and priorities for environmental management and our agriculture plays a key role in the environmental health of our waterways, soil, and air. Cover cropping is one practice in sustainable agriculture that has many benefits for both farmers and the broader public. Despite efforts to incentivize their use through subsidies, many farmers still do not use cover crops. What are the factors that affect cover crop usage in New York State? Why are they used at starkly different rates in different regions? These questions can be studied scientifically to inform important policy decisions. Studying this can answer the important question, “What can we do to most improve cover crop usage?”
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Recommended Citation
Welte, Patrick, "Cover Crops in New York State" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 106.