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A forest census completed in the Pipeline Woods is valuable in the context of Binghamton University's Nature Preserve for 3 primary reasons: (1) it creates an inventory of species data to illustrate what encompass our campus forests, (2) it allows us to quantify changing forest dynamics regarding to composition shifts through longitudinal study, (3) we can compare the composition data of our Pipeline Forest Grid to previous census research done in the CIW Forest Grid and work towards an qualitative understanding of why they differ. The survey was completed by identifying trees using their winter traits, using logging tape to measure trunk circumference at breast height (1.35m), and mapping their location within each 10m x10m grid from the North East corner. The three most prevalent tree species in terms of density, basal area, and frequency were sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red maple (Acer rubrum), and white ash (Fraxinus americana).
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Torchio, Melissa; Blake, Madelyn; and Bogue, Zebulon, "Pipeline Forest Grid Census Report 2024" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 156.