"Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling and Potential Environmental Impacts" by Sam Gold, Yuxin Wang et al.

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Growth of Lithium-Ion Battery (LIBs) in consumer electronics and the electric vehicle fleet has highlighted the need to address recycling issues. Recycling of spent LIBs is in its infancy and less than 5% of LIBs are recycled globally. LIBs are manufactured with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS are persistent, mobile, and toxic environmental contaminants. Little is known about the environmental risks of LIBs recycling. This research presents an overview of fluorinated compounds used in LIBs. Recognizing the need for LIBs recycling, this project also presents LIBs disposal management methods and their environmental impacts from landfilling and recycling techniques including pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and direct recycling. Additionally, this review examines emissions accompanied with pyrometallurgy and produced chemicals related to hydrometallurgy. Further, this project summarizes spent LIBs recycling regulations. This review highlights the need to investigate emissions of fluorinated compounds during battery recycling to eliminate environmental and human health risks and promote sustainable battery management.



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Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling and Potential Environmental Impacts
