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9 Days in Deutschland is a documentary style memoir based on my trip to Germany where I drifted my way through 9 different cities, towns and villages. During this trip I took photos with no goal in mind and ended up with over 5,000 digital photos and 12 rolls of film. What started as a photo book quickly matured into a memoir where the writing became as important as the visuals, creating a symbiotic structure. Through this format I reflected on history, war, photography, film, sexual violence against women during war, the Holocaust, propaganda, truth, trauma, time, loss, loneliness, and modernity. These topics arose organically through my research this summer and my photos served as the backbone that held these ideas together. This project was my attempt at communicating with the past. A past that never talks back — and so these conversations felt more like a Rorschach test at times.
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Recommended Citation
Malik Khan, Qinza, "9 Days in Deutschland" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 76.