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In the past decade, the misuse of non-prescription ADHD medication among college students for the goal of achieving academic success has seen a marked increase. In order to determine if there is a relationship between study drugs, mental health, and GPA, an anonymous survey was distributed asking participants questions regarding demographics, prescribed and non-prescribed Adderall use, its effects, and perceptions. A total of 879 college-aged students from several US colleges completed the survey. Using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, there was a positive correlation between using non-prescribed Adderall use and a decrease in GPA, as well as a negative impact on mental health. The survey also showed that those who have a lower GPA exhibited several mental health symptoms, suggesting that there could be a vicious cycle at hand: non-prescribed study drugs, low GPA, and negative impact on mental health all act reciprocally, inexorably worsening the effects of the drug. Our results may indicate a lack of knowledge among non-prescribed users about the effects of Adderall, demonstrating a need for education outreach and alternative study methods. Data was collected from a multiple-choice survey and analyzed using SPSS, Version 25.0.
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Kristoferson, Eva; Cregin, Dennis; Genussa, Lee Ann; Koltun, Rebecca; Malik, Sana; Norton, Haley; Ricci, Adelle; Umeozor, Devon; and Begdache, Lina, "Potential Negative Cyclical Effects of ADHD Medication, Mental Health, and Academic Performance" (2020). Research Days Posters 2020. 42.