The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter

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Aryeh Kosman writes: When I presented it, as I recall, I read a silly little poem for the occasion, (nods to W. Gilbert) which delighted Rosamond Kent Sprague (who chaired the session) no end:

Sophrosyne in the soul

Leads to quiet self control

Which is not the same

As Dolce far niente

Fast or slow as he may please

The Sophron acts with quiet ease

As the ancient Romans said

Festina Lente.


L. A. Kosman presented “Sophrosyne as Quietness” to the Society at its meeting with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Atlanta in 1973. A revised version was published in John P. Anton & Anthony Preus, eds.1983. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, vol. 2. SUNY, 203-216 with the title "Charmides' First Definition: Sophrosyne as Quietness."

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