The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter

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Inasmuch as Xenophanes rests his axiomatization of the god-concept on the logic of "likeness" (prepein), implicit in the Greek correlation of arete and time, he rests his case for an idealistic, nomomorphic revision of theology and human society on a correspondence-theory of truth, whose referent is periodically verifiable as superlatively powerful and universally binding.


H.A.T. Reiche presented "Xenophanes and the Axiomatization of the God-Concept" to the meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Atlantic City in 1961. It was published as “Empirical Aspects of Xenophanes’ Theology” in John P. Anton & George Kustas, eds. 1971. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy vol. 1, SUNY, 88-110.

For information about the author see Wikipedia "Harald Reiche."
