The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter

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Translators have rendered doxa as "opinion", "belief", and "judgment", among other renderings. All three translations are subject to criticism. We analyze doxa as prompted by a present perception or by a past perception registered and resuscitated. There is also a doxa prompted by a Form, or complex of Forms.


Thomas G. Rosenmeyer presented “Judgment and Thought in the Theaetetus” to the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy at its meeting with the Eastern Division of the American Philosopical Association in New York in 1959. A much later (and quite different) version was published as as “ΓΝΩΣΙΣ and ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗ in Socrates’ Dream in the Theaetetus.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 89 (1969) 72-78.

For information about the author, see Wikipedia "Thomas G. Rosenmeyer."
