[Please note, this electronic archive only holds a limited portion of the newsletter content]

Academic Year 1966/67

1966: President, Leonard Woodbury.

Meeting with the American Philological Association in Toledo

  •  K. Sprague, “A Translation of the Dissoi Logoi or Dialexeis” 1966 distribution to members Toledo 1966
  • Thomas M. Robinson, “The Nature and Significance of the Argument for Immortality in the Phaedrus” Published in Apeiron 2.2 (1968) 12-18, reprinted in John P. Anton & George Kustas, eds. 1971. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy vol. 1, SUNY, 345-353.
  • Leonardo Taran, “The Creation Myth in Plato’s Timaeus.” Published in John P. Anton & George Kustas, eds. 1971. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy vol. 1, SUNY, 372-407.

Meeting with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Philadelphia

Chair: Robert W. Hall

  • M. Barksdale, “Does Aristotle Demonstrate the Definition of the Soul?” M. Barksdale’s presentation of this paper is the sole appearance on the web.
  • A. Havelock, “Some Further Comments on the Verb ‘To Be’ in the Presocratic Period.” Havelock did not submit the paper, and did not present it. Instead, his place was filled in by:
  • Thomas Olshewsky, “An Inquiry into Aristotle’s Use of Proportionality


Submissions from 1966


Does Aristotle Demonstrate the Definition of the Soul?, E. M. Barksdale


Listing of the 1966-1967 SAGP Content, Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy


A Translation of the Dissoi Logoi or Dialexeis, Rosamond Kent Sprague