Smaller Narratives for a Larger World, hosted by Gillian Kenah (English), Lauren Pearce (Anthropology), and Alan Palacios (Comparative Literature), is a new, interdisciplinary iteration of the radio show project Broadcasting World Literature. The show features a variety of guests from academics and activists to creatives and practitioners. The podcast, which will run in its current form through the end of May 2021, shares and discusses stories beyond what is conservatively categorized as “literature”, to recognize their significance on both an individual and community level. This project is co-sponsored by the Departments of Comparative Literature and Anthropology at Binghamton University and the faculty in charge include Giovanna Montenegro (Comparative Literature), Jeroen Gerrits (Comparative Literature), Joshua Reno (Anthropology), and Lubna Omar (Anthropology). The show’s website curator is Nihan Soyoz (Comparative Literature).

More about the hosts:
Lauren M. Pearce is a doctoral student in the department of Anthropology at Binghamton University. She received her M.Ed. from Vanderbilt University in Community Development and Action and, previous to that, worked in the criminal justice field. She specializes in inequality, specifically in academia and scientific fields, with a focus on racism and sexual harassment and assault, but has conducted research on social determinants of health (SDOH), neocolonial economic development, social mobility impacts of education systems, and trauma-informed care.

Alan Palacios is a Fulbright scholar from Argentina and a graduate student in Comparative Literature at Binghamton University. He was a member of the Cátedra Literatures of the South. His research interests include creative writing and critical theories-practices that can help to build resistance to oppressions of race and sexuality in particular. He does not want his nephews to grow up in a world like the one in which his and past generations were raised, without company to help make sense of it. He loves sending voice messages with poetry to friends and dancing while preparing breakfast.

Gillian Kenah is a master’s student studying English at Binghamton University. She received her bachelor’s degree in English and Spanish from Binghamton University in May 2020. As a recipient of the Dr. Ellyn Uram Kaschak ‘65 Summer Research Grant, Gillian conducts research on women’s online self-representation, interrogating the intersection of identity, race, and gender politics on Instagram. Her work reflects an intermixture of digital humanities and psychology, with the goal of examining cultural narratives and their layered implications regarding themes including online visibility, online activism, and allyship among others.


Submissions from 2020


Episode 1: introducing Smaller Narratives for a Larger World, Gillian Kenah, Alan F. Palacios, and Lauren Pearce