"Boletus subvelutipes" by Kathleen R. White, Jacqueline A. Jergensen et al.



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Summer 2021


Mycorrhizal with oak, found growing alone, scattered, or gregariously. Widely distributed, June - September. Cap 5-9 cm wide; convex; dull orange in color, with a yellow margin; tacky when fresh. Pore surface yellow, bruising blue and ages to a blackish color. Stem 3 ½ - 7 cm long; 1 ½ - 2 cm thick; reticulate near cap. This species produces variegatic acid, which causes it to bruise blue (Negishi et al. 2000). Variegatic acid isolated from a fruiting body of Boletus velutipes was shown to have enzymatic deodorization properties (Negishi et al. 2000). In a study from Yunnan, China, fruiting bodies demonstrated significant bioaccumulation of heavy metals such as copper, iron, manganese, zinc, and lead, significantly higher than other species studied - Amanita augusta and Macrolepiota procera (Lalotra et al. 2016). ID number:


Location: East Brook Valley, Walton, NY (TC- Tsuga Creek)

Boletus subvelutipes