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Summer 2021
Widely distributed in North America; Saprobic; growing gregariously under hardwoods and conifers; often found growing in moss, occasionally found on rotting wood; late spring through fall in colder climates. DESCRIPTION: Cap 1-1 ½ cm; convex with irregular lobes and undulations, with the margin rolled inward; bald; sticky; yellow to light ochre. Stem 1-2 cm long; ½ cm wide; bald; sticky. Flesh gelatinous when fresh; odorless. This species has been observed in Argentina, and throughout South and Central America. (Lorenzo and Messuti 2013). Research conducted in Central America indicates this species forms arbutoid mycorrhiza, a type of ericoid mycorrhiza distinguished by penetration of host cortical cells, with a tropical woody plant Comarostaphylis arbutoides. (Kühdorf et al. 2015) Analyses of the three morphologically defined species, L. lubrica, L. viscosa, and L. atrovirens showed none of them to be monophyletic which indicates that there may be more genetic variation among Leotia than is commonly recognized. (Zhong and Pfister 2004). ID number:
Recommended Citation
White, Kathleen R.; Jergensen, Jacqueline A.; and Lam, Ada, "Leotia lubrica" (2021). Mycological Herbarium of Macrofungi from the East Brook Valley. 52.

Location: Location: East Brook Valley, Walton, NY (TC - Tsuga Creek)