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Summer 2021
Saprobic, collected on litter and leaves in both hardwood and softwood dominant forests, as well as on the side of a fallen log. Globally distributed, considered to be widely distributed in North America, found through multiple field sites (Vilgalys and Miller 1983; Vilgalys 1991; Hughes et al. 2010). Cap 1-7.5 cm, convex to flat, smooth, fleshy, ranging from tan to tawny to an occasional russet brown; stipe up to 10cm long, under 1 cm thick but never wiry, annulus and volva absent; gills appearing andexed to free depending on sample age; white spore print. Possible anti-inflammatory uses (Zeb and Lee 2021). One sample was collected from the side of a fallen log, despite the fact that many field guides describe G. dryophilus’s substrate as leaf litter and thoroughly decayed wood exclusively (Kuo 2013; Baroni 2017). Gymnopus dryophilus is sometimes considered to be a species complex due to morphological differences and mating intersterile groups from both North America and Europe (Vilgalys and Miller 1983; Vilgalys 1991; Alfredo et al. 2008). Without microscopic and genetic analysis, the multiple samples found at our field sites could not be identified down to specific variations, however the morphological range of our samples may be indicative of multiple variations within the area. ID number:
Recommended Citation
White, Kathleen R.; Jergensen, Jacqueline A.; and Lam, Ada, "Gymnopus dryophilus" (2021). Mycological Herbarium of Macrofungi from the East Brook Valley. 64.

Location: East Brook Valley, Walton, NY (UR - Upper Ridgeline, TC - Tsuga Creek, EF - Ericaceae Forest, PC - Pinus Creek)