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Summer 2021
Saprobic on hardwood sticks, and small logs that have lost their bark; growing alone or scattered; First emerging late spring to early summer, observed throughout summer to fall; Widely distributed in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australasia. Cap 2- 7 cm; cream color to pale tan; flat with an uplifted margin, round to kidney shaped. Pore surface runs onto stem; cream color with pale tan margin. Stem lateral; 1 - 1 ½ cm in length, curved, tapered from base, black at base. This species has global distribution, and has been observed in Europe, notably Russia (Zmitrovich et al. 2016). This species has shown to have dual ecology as an “old-forest ecotype” a saprophytic inhabitant on natural, old, mesic forests, or as a “park ecotype” growing on large scars left from cut or fallen branches as a parasite (Niemelä and Kotiranta 1991). ID number:
Recommended Citation
White, Kathleen R.; Jergensen, Jacqueline A.; and Lam, Ada, "Cerioporus leptocephalus" (2021). Mycological Herbarium of Macrofungi from the East Brook Valley. 75.

Location: East Brook Valley, Walton, NY (EF - Ericaceae Forest, TC - Tsuga Creek)