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With the rising use of wood as a source of energy in the United States, the harmful wastes of leftover wood fly ash pose a multitude of negative impacts on the environment. Specifically, the disposal of fly ash in landfills and destruction of trees to supply the resource perpetuates our surrounding environmental and climate issues. Thus, our study aims to combat the harmful effects of wood fly ash to limit the pollution and damage of wood energy. Through our experiment, we attempt to find a solution to utilize wood fly ash in environmentally friendly ways. In particular, our study focuses on composting mixtures of mulch in conjunction with different percentages of fly ash to determine the most effective product for fertilizing soil. As our economy shifts towards sustainable energy sources, our research attempts to reduce the carbon footprint of wood fly ash and strive towards a greener and cleaner Earth.
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Speckenbach, Juliana; Mei, Mimmy; Jin, Erica; and Rumrill-Teece, Natalie, "A Sustainable Future: Revitalizing Wood Fly Ash" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 107.